Streamline the planning process, improve project transparency and generate support for Complete Streets.

Turn your Complete Streets Policy into an interactive online tool to improve collaboration for project implementation.
Create your own custom project portal complete with visual surveys, interactive maps, & an online open house. Easily expand your reach broaden the conversation using these interactive tools + social media integration.
- Visual & interactive web portal
- Powerful analytics, detailed reporting & secure hosting
- Informed engagement & better decisions
- Turn ideas into action!
Action Map

Action maps highlight projects by category, status and and level of funding. Staff are given admin access to update the projects while minimizing costs.
Visual Survey

Project Tracker

Our easy to update project tracker allows you to communicates the progress of your complete streets program/policy implementation.
Our tools evolve as your complete street policy/plan develops which helps to create strong feedback loops and build trust overtime.
Seriously expand your reach
Through the use of these tools we are able to reach the missing middle ...those folks that do not normally review city websites or participate at public workshops. The Devonport Institute has researched some of our recent projects and found that the average cost per person of the workshop was $385 and the average cost per person for engagement on one of our projects equivalent to participation at a workshop was $19 Per person.

Case Study #1

Live Projects:
Connect South Shore: Complete Street & Active Transportation
Connect PB: Community Based Comp Plan
Connect McKinleyville: Corridor Redesign